Total Medals Earned: 1,334 (From 269 different games.) Total Medal Score: 16,305 Points
Medals Earned: 7/15 (70/500 points)
Managed to spot a puppy
Crushed and flattened by a box
Crushed and flattened by an iron ball
Managed to get halfway through the game
Shot with a laser beam from a robot's eyes
Managed to defeat a robot
Managed to defeat two robots
Managed to fail in all different causes in a single play
Got electric shock
Falling down and failed
Managed to finish the game in less than 4 minutes
Finish the game once
Managed to finish the game using not more than 120 taps / mouse clicks
Managed to finish the game without a single fail
Managed to spot all 10 puppies throughout the game in one play
Medals Earned: 1/5 (100/500 points)
Played my game
Beat level 20 in Grunt's campaign
Beat level 20 in Sanford's campaign
Beat level 20 in Deimos's campaign
Beat level 20 in Hank's campaign
Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/290 points)
Eliminate 3 targets
Eliminate 25 targets
Eliminate 50 targets
Eliminate 100 targets
Eliminate all targets
Medals Earned: 3/4 (40/90 points)
Get at the top
Finish the game with at lease one death
Finish the game without dying
Finish the game in hardcore mode
Medals Earned: 1/7 (25/475 points)
Drunken Butterfly
3 Times in 1 Night
Secret Idea
Lover Came Back
Rich Scrooge
The End of Eternity
Medals Earned: 1/15 (10/420 points)
Beat level 1 of Adventure Mode!
Got a combo of at least 10!
Got a combo of at least 25!
Beat level 2 of Adventure Mode!
Beat level 3 of Adventure Mode!
Beat level 4 of Adventure Mode!
Beat level 5 of Adventure Mode!
Beat level 6 of Adventure Mode!
Got a win in the multiplayer vs mode!
Got a combo of at least 50!
Beat level 7 of Adventure Mode!
Beat level 8 of Adventure Mode!
Beat level 9 of Adventure Mode!
Completed Adventure Mode!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/240 points)
Beat the 5th wave
Beat the 15th wave
Beat the 30th wave
Die on wave 50
Unlock all in-game achievements
Medals Earned: 1/12 (5/160 points)
Complete Level.01.01.
Complete Level 01.12 without any rotations.
Complete the Credits level.
Complete Chapter 1.
Complete Level.02.13 in less than 30 seconds.
Complete Level.03.14 with only one rotation.
Complete Level 01.14 in less than 10 seconds.
Complete Level.02.11 in less than 20 seconds.
Complete Level.03.11 with three or fewer rotations.
Complete Level.02.12 with only one rotation.
Complete Chapter 2.
Complete Chapter 3.
Medals Earned: 1/4 (25/100 points)
So much for that appetitive for destruction...
They were meant to be.
Here my heart can rest.
Medals Earned: 8/15 (100/480 points)
Make a Back Flip
First Death
collect 10 stars
Make a Double Flip
Find a tank and ride :)
Wendy, I can fly
Three stars at level
Complete level without deaths
Make a Front Flip
collect 22 stars
collect 44 stars
Make a Drift
Collect all Stars
Game Complete