Just wanted to quickly recap the last animation jam round
I don't know why I could do this but I decided to make a game and an animation for robot day/animation jam, in 2 weeks, while going to Hong Kong in the first week (which was a lot of fun). In hong kong I made a few drawings but nothing substantial. So the last days I was sleeping for maybe an hour every night.
Still I didn't manage to make the robot game as I hoped. I uploaded it in a super broken and contentless state (just 3 boring levels). I'm still working on it and updating it. I don't know where that places me in the competition, the date is on roboy day but am I still allowed to win that way?
But the most important thing is that I'm just really excited to be working hard again, hope you all missed me ;) (and that I can keep it up)
Going to start on the next animation round right now!
Good luck!